Pathways News & Blog

June 15th, 2021

I have been meeting with and talking to people who are fearful and anxious about life shifting back to what it used to be as health and safety restrictions put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic begin to be lifted. Looking back to early 2020, it is hard to imagine life as it used to be. There are expectations that people have adjusted to and some that people hope will continue. I’ve met with students who expect to continue E-learning in the fall and adults that hope their job will…

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July 29th, 2020

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is an emergent form of therapy. From this therapy has come an idea of Radical Acceptance. Radical Acceptance is a skill where people learn to accept the things that are outside of their control. The things that one cannot control include past events, thoughts, memories, emotions, physical sensations, and other people. It means accepting your mind, body, and heart fully and without judgment in the present moment. Radical acceptance is a form of distress…

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June 12th, 2020

Part of mindfulness is to help bring you into the present, the “here and now.” This is important because people struggling with mental health issues often get stuck living in the past or worrying about the future. For example, those with anxiety tend to fear the future, those with depression or PTSD find themselves to be stuck in the past, and ,those with ADHD will let their mind wander and find it difficult to be present in the now. Laura Meyers explains, “Depression and anxiety also…

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April 16th, 2019

Some people say stress, some say anxiety. These are differing terms that mean something different depending on the circumstance and effects. They have some similarities such as what can happen to the body. The both have long term effects that can have larger affects on us. Here stress and anxiety will be defined. All of the similarities and differences will be discussed. The long-term affects will be examined. Finally, some solutions to both stress and anxiety will be provided. Anxiety on…

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November 13th, 2018

Parents, children, and teachers may hear a lot about executive functioning when it comes to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Executive functioning is a brain system that works to provide us with self-control, manage our short-term memory, and allow us the ability to be flexible. People with ADHD often struggle is in these areas, particularly with the ability to control themselves, focus, organize, and plan. For many this can create difficulties in school or work, followed by…

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