Pathways News & Blog

September 5th, 2018

Children need to have a clear understanding of your expectations in order to behave appropriately, but it can be challenging for caregivers to set limits and commit to them. Early on in my career, I heard “limits mean love” and it stuck with me. Limits help show children that they are loved, cared for and safe. Here are some of the challenges I’ve seen for caregivers: Setting limits and consistently following up on what is expected. Navigating power struggles and arguing with…

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August 13th, 2018

The Transitions Young Adult Counseling Group is a skill-based and supportive co-ed group format that focuses on increasing effective coping, interpersonal functioning, and life skills necessary to succeed in school, work, and independent living. The group is DBT-Informed with an emphasis on coping/self-regulation, executive functioning skills, and interpersonal and relational strategies. About the Group Leader Dr. Joe Roszkowski: Dr. Joe Roszkowski is a Licensed Psychologist who has…

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July 26th, 2018

Depression & Suicide In a recent study, a group of researchers working for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mapped out the suicide rates in counties across the United States. What they found was that 99% of counties in the U.S. saw an increase in suicides by 10% from 2005-2015. This fact is alarming, and here you can see the map in color. This study brings up many questions such as why are suicide rates going up and are there things Americans can be doing differently to…

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June 7th, 2018

The American Psychiatric Association defines Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as “a behavioral condition that makes focusing on everyday requests and routines challenging.” There are 3 types of ADHD, the first being inattentive type. Those with the inattentive type often struggle with remaining focused on the task at hand because their mind wanders. The second is hyperactive type, which has a behavioral component to it, and those with this type often are found fidgeting or…

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April 13th, 2018

By Zach Simms,MS,LPC Experts in the field of psychology reveal how they assist parents in monitoring their children’s time and experiences with today’s tech. Among the strategies mentioned are tech contracts which specifically outline how much time the child spends with the device(s) in comparison to activities throughout the day. Dr. Jaime Maurella, Licensed Clinical Psychologist at Pathways, outlines a number of specific strategies: “Tech time should follow completion of daily…

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