Pathways News & Blog

January 26th, 2018

According to a recent article in The Washington Post; two significant shareholders of Apple have encouraged the company to take action on countering the ill effects that excessive screen time can do to children. An open letter to Apple’s board of directors this month from Jana Partners and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, which combined control $2 billion worth of Apple stock, presented scientific research showing the harmful consequences to young people from the pervasive…

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September 26th, 2017

Christine Malm, MS, LCPC, is planning on reintroducing her DBT-Informed counseling group for college-age females and young adults. The group will be a combination of skill-based DBT guidance and processing orientation. Christine Malm, MS, LCPC, has run these groups for adolescent and young adult females for over eight years. These groups are a popular referral source for psychiatrists, therapists, and schools in the area. Group counseling can provide treatment benefits not available in…

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September 26th, 2017

Depression & Suicide In a recent study, a group of researchers working for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mapped out the suicide rates in counties across the United States. What they found was that 99% of counties in the U.S. saw an increase in suicides by 10% from 2005-2015. This fact is alarming, and here you can see the map in color. This study brings up many questions such as why are suicide rates going up and are there things Americans can be doing differently to…

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September 26th, 2017

How Group Therapy can help your client!!! Research indicates that group therapy is a highly effective form of therapy for adolescents. Through group therapy, adolescents can communicate in a way that normalizes these feelings and experiences. They are able to learn about themselves, the impact their behavior has on others, and are able to receive feedback from peers. At this age it is developmentally appropriate for adolescents to prefer feedback from peers than adults, which is another…

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